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Immigrant Investor Program

The Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria Act and the Citizenship Act allows the acquisition of Bulgarian citizenship by investment to a foreigner in a total period of no more than two years.
The process consists of 2 stages. First, you must obtain a permanent residency permit under the Investor Visa The procedure takes from 4 to 6 months. After one year, you can apply for citizenship by doubling the investment or investing in a priority investment project certified as per the Investment Promotion Act. Citizenship application may be carried out in a maximum period of 6 months. So, in about 20-24 months you could get your Bulgarian passport.


Immigrant Investor Program Financing Fast

The Bulgarian Citizenship by Investment Program requires an investment of BGN 2,000,000, which is EUR 1,024,000, to start the standard track application procedure. The product all-in handling fee, EUR 270,000, includes the financing of EUR 1,024,000 for a period of five years.

Our product Financing Fast is the most popular product due to several reasons. It is the most affordable EU / Bulgarian fast track product worldwide which allows you to obtain citizenship in 18 months. From a processing point of view, it is the most straight forward product which saves you some time compared to other fast track products.

Financing Standard I

Applicant pays for financing a loan of EUR 512,000.

  • Time to Permanent Residency – 6 months

  • Time to Bulgarian Citizenship – 66 months

  • Investment in EUR (Refundable) – 0

  • All-in Handling Fee in EUR (Non-refundable) – 185,000

Financing Fast

Applicant pays for financing a loan of EUR 1,024,000.

  • Time to Permanent Residency – 6 months

  • Time to Bulgarian Citizenship – 18 months

  • Investment in EUR (Refundable) – 0

  • All-in Handling Fee in EUR (Non-refundable) – 270,000

Financing Two Main Applicants

Both partners of a legally married couple can apply simultaneously. Two main applicants pay for financing a total loan of EUR 2,048,000.

  • Time to Permanent Residency – 6 months

  • Time to Bulgarian Citizenship – 18 months

  • Investment in EUR (Refundable) – 0

  • All-in Handling Fee in EUR (Non-refundable) – 398,000

Documentation & Further Information

If you want to know further details about this program apply now for a free private consultation call.


- Be over 18 years old
- Be a Non-European Union citizen
- Do not suffer from contagious diseases and / or serious health problems.
- Proof of net worth greater than €511,292
- Investment Certificate confirming a direct foreign investment of BGN 1,000,000 (€511,292), as per the statutory procedures, in a guaranteed governmental bond portfolio for a period of 5 years
- Proof of legitimate source of funds
- Clean criminal record in the country of residence and the country of birth
- Personal net worth greater than € 1,000,000 is required by the banks for the financed investment option.
- Power of Attorneys and Investment Agreement signed in a Bulgarian Consular service

جنسيات مقيدة

لا توجد قيود رسمية على أي جنسية

جنسية مزدوجة

الجنسية المزدوجة معروفة في {{الدولة}}. ليس مطلوبا منك التخلي عن جنسيتك السابقة لتصبح مواطنا {{للدولة}}.

مستندات مطلوبة

  • نسخة أصلية أو مصدقة من شهادة الزواج (إن وجدت)
  • نسخة أصلية أو مصدقة من شهادة الميلاد (إن وجدت)
  • نسخة مصدقة من جواز السفر
  • شهادة أصلية للتخليص من الشرطة
  • شهادة طبية
  • وثائق التصديق على الاستثمار في الأعمال التجارية
  • إثبات الثروة الصافية
  • إثبات دفع رسوم المعالجة غير المستردة ورسوم العناية الواجبة
  • تفويض محدود
  • بيان مصدر الأموال
  • عناوين الأصول المالية التي تم شراؤها
  • جنسية مزدوجة نعم
  • شمل أفراد الأسرة لا
  • ملكية الارض نعم
  • إقامة جسدية مطلوبة لا
  • زيارة شخصية مطلوبة نعم
  • مهارات لغوية مطلوبة لا
  • مقابلة مطلوبة لا
  • استثمار واحد €250,000
  • استثمار الأسرة 4 €250,000
  • الحد الأدنى للدخل السنوي -
  • وقت المواطنة 18
  • وقت الإقامة الدائمة 6
  • دول خالية من التأشيرة 179
  • تمويل متاح نعم

تفاصيل الدولة

Sofia *
Europe *
Bulgarian, Turkish
The Republic of Bulgaria is a country located to the southeast of the European continent, member of the European Union. It borders Romania to the north, Serbia and the Republic of Macedonia to the west, Greece and Turkey to the south and the Black Sea to the east. Although being a relatively large country, its population is just over 7 million inhabitants. Most is concentrated in cities, mainly in its capital Sofia and to a lesser extent the UNESCO World Heritage Site’ Plovdiv and Varna. So, there are abundant large undeveloped natural areas. Bulgaria is well-known for its ski resorts in winter, its thermal water springs and its almost 200 km of Dead Sea’s beaches.

Its official language is Bulgarian and its official currency is the Bulgarian Lev (BGN), pegged to the EUR at a 1.95:1 ratio.

سفر بدون تأشيرة

مع جواز سفرك الجديد من {{الدولة}} ستتمكن من الدخول إلى الدول {{بدون تأشيرة}}.


Become a permanent resident or citizen of Bulgaria does not automatically make you a tax resident. To be a tax resident an individual must reside 183 days in Bulgarian territory in a tax year, or have a permanent address in Bulgaria, or have its center of vital interests in Bulgaria. The criterion of center of vital interests prevails for the one of permanent address. That is, someone who has a permanent address in Bulgaria, but whose vital interest center is in another country, may not be considered a resident for tax purposes.

Bulgaria has one of the lowest tax burden in the European Union. Tax residents are subject to tax on their worldwide income at a flat rate of 10%. A tax credit for foreign tax paid is usually available. Dividends and interest are subject to a final tax of 5% and 8%, respectively. Capital Gains are taxed at the standard PIT rate. Being exempted those gains derived from companies listed in the Bulgarian or a European regulated stock exchange, and those from properties held 3 years (1 property) or five years (other 2 properties).

Bulgaria does not have Controlled Foreign Company rules (CFC), which means that profits retained in foreign companies owned by tax-residents may not be subject to taxation.

Bulgaria levies a real property tax of between 0.01% and 0.45% on the tax value of the property. There is an inheritance and gift tax of between 0.4% and 6.6%, depending on the relationship of the beneficiary. There are no net worth and transfer taxes.

On corporate taxation, resident companies are subject to a 10% flat tax on their worldwide income. Dividends received from a Bulgarian resident entity or an EU/EEA company are not taxable. Dividends received from a non-EU/EEA resident are included as taxable income. A tax credit or exemption may apply under a tax treaty or a domestic tax credit if there is no tax treaty available. Capital Gains are considered ordinary income and therefore subject to CIT. However, capital gains from the disposal of shares listed in the Bulgaria Stock Exchange or in any EU Stock Exchange are fully exempted. If there is no tax treaty available, payments to non-residents are usually subject to a 10% withholding tax. Learn more about Bulgaria’s corporate taxation, legal framework and tax treaties at incorporations.io/bulgaria.

This should not be construed as tax advice. Flag Theory | Passports.IO has access to a global network of qualified attorneys and accountants who can give you the proper advice for your particular circumstances. Contact us for further information.

  • ضريبة الأملاك نعم
  • ضريبة التحويل لا
  • ضريبة الميراث نعم
  • ضريبة القيمة الصافية لا
  • قانون الشركات الأجنبية الخاضعة للرقابة CFC لا
  • أيام الإقامة الضريبية 183
  • معدل ضريبة الدخل الشخصي 10%
  • معدل ضريبة أرباح رأس المال 10%
  • معدل ضريبة الدخل الاستثماري 8%
  • ضرائب إقليمية لا

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Residency by Investment in Real Estate or Securities
Residency by having sufficient means (Passive Income)

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